shri lakshmi

Yogas in hindu astrology

Yogas can be referred as a special relation between planets in quadrant ( Kendra) ( 1,4,7,10) houses , the main thing one should remember while analyzing a yoga is the strength of planets participating in yogas . Yogas play an important role in any horoscope. There are a lot of planetary yogas , I am explaining some important yogas  that are very good when found in a horoscope.

Gajakesari yoga
For  this yoga to be present in a horoscope Jupiter should be in a Quadrant ( Kendra ) house from the moon, for this yoga to fully manifest in a horoscope , moon and Jupiter should be powerful.
The  result of this yoga is good luck, long life, victory over enemies , wealth and prosperity.

Sunapa yoga
If a planet is placed in second house from the moon sunapa yoga occurs, the planet should be Jupiter, mars, Saturn , venus or mercury.
The results of this yoga is kingship, wealth, fame and intelligence.

Anapha yoga
If a planet is placed in 12 th house from moon anapha yoga occurs, the planet should be Jupiter, mars, Saturn, venus or mercury.
The result of this yoga is Is luck , health and good offspring.

Durudura yoga
If Mercury , Jupiter, mars, venus or Saturn is placed in second and twelfth house from moon  this yoga occurs.
The result of this yoga is fame , conveyances and wealth.

Vesi yoga
If any planet other than moon , rahu and ketu is placed in second house from the sun vesi yoga occurs.
The result of this yoga is comfort , fame , good words and skill in maths.

Vasi yoga
If any planet other than moon, rahu and ketu is placed in twelvth house from sun this yoga occurs.
The result of this yoga is status and fame.

Ubhayachari yoga
If any planet other than moon, rahu and ketu is placed in second and twelvth house from moon ubayachari yoga occurs.
The result of this yoga strength, beauty and good orating skills.

Nipuna yoga
When sun and mercury is placed in same house nipuna yoga occurs, but mercury should not be combust.
The result of this yoga is good education and sharp intelegence.

Sasimanagala yoga
If moon and mars are placed in same rashi or quadrant ( Kendra House) (1,4,7,10) this yoga occurs .
This yoga is good for  material gains .

Neecha bhanga raja yoga ( chakravarti yoga)

This yoga occurs when a planet is debilitated in a horoscope and
     1.The lord of the debilitation sign or a planet who is exalted in the particular house is placed in a quadrant house from the moon.
     2.The planet which is exalted in the debilitation sign of the debilitated planet is placed in a quadrant house from the ascendant.
The result is great social status and equal to an emperor.

Parivartana yoga

If planets exchange their rashis this yoga occurs.
The result is great status and wealth

Panch Mahapurusha yogas

If Jupiter , mercury, venus, mars or Saturn is placed in a quadrant house ( Kendra)( 1,4,7,10) from ascendant ( rising sign ) and if they are in their own sign or exalton , Mahapurusha yoga occurs.

Mars-         Ruchaka yoga
Mercury -  Bhadra yoga
Jupiter -     Hamsa yoga
Venus-        Malavya yoga